Knowledge and Human Development Authority: educational quality assurance and regulatory authority.

UAS maintains a ‘Very Good’ rating in the lastest KHDA inspection.
The only ‘Very Good’ US/IB School in Dubai.
The Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) inspects UAS annually to ensure the highest educational standards are being followed.
The KHDA is a regulatory authority of the Government of Dubai and is responsible for the growth, direction, and quality of private education and learning in Dubai. Following a rigorous inspection process, the KHDA provides a written report to the school noting areas of strength and areas needing improvement. These reports also provide a general rating of the performance of the educational programs at the school and the quality of education. We are proud that UAS was once again rated “very good”- below are the best features of our school as highlighted by the inspection team:
• The very good attainment and progress in English, mathematics and science, and the improving attainment and progress in Islamic education and Arabic.
• Students’ understanding of Islamic values and world cultures, their personal development and social responsibility and their competent use of technology.
• The health, safety and protection provided by the school to support students’ academic success and to promote their welfare and wellbeing.
• The vision and ambition of school leaders, with the active encouragement and engagement of parents and the community.
• Leadership and management of the school including staffing, resources, premises and facilities, as well as the comprehensive program of staff coaching